Member Projects Catalog:

Listed Below are the various sites hosted on beepsquad servers

Curtain's Corner

Curtain's Curious Webcorner

Under Construction!!!

curtains corner full of book reviews and other miscellaneous garbage

Jarlold's Site

Libero Ex Libris!

"They'll never see it coming..." -Bowl

Collection of Random Crap, Books, Technical and hardware-hacking guides. They just showed up? We don't host them? :3

rawr xd (Under Construction)

Rehost of a MySpace profile for a music producer I used to follow in 2008.

Contains blog posts and media from a bygone era. Has some pretty strange stuff.


The BeepSquad Demo File


Site has an Active Discord, chat application, internet radio mirrored to VRC worlds, and glitchy vibes ran by Ædith Lovelace


Hyperpop Music Collective

Hyperpop/Dariacore Influenced Musician/Artists Collective

Overwhelmingly pink vibes. The pastel SadGirlsClub. Concept by Initmd, Site design by Ædith Lovelace



Site Design by Ædith Lovelace